Top 3 tips – Maintaining pools during winter

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Ever ask yourself if there was anything you could do to maintain your pool during the winter months?  I’m here to tell you YES there sure is!

When spring time comes and the opening of the pools commence you may find yourself with problems on your hands.  In order to reduce swimming pool problems in the spring I’ll outline 3 things you can do for an easier pool opening.

1. ALGECIDE.  Most in ground pools are covered with ‘loop-loc’ or ‘trampoline’ covers ...

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Winter Weather can cause Pool Damage

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It seems lately that the winters have been getting worse and worse every year.  Here in the northeast winter’s been starting in November and sticks around till sometime in April.  At it’s height we have been experiencing cold, colder and coldest temperatures (-32° being coldest.  Brrrrr!!) accompanied by what seems snowfall after snowfall.  The big problem here is that these conditions through December, January and February have been relentless with no periods of thawing and snow accumulation after accumulation.

What does ...

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